Currículo: espaço interdisciplinar de experiências formadoras do professor da escola de educação básica


  • Nali Rosa Silva Ferreira


Interdisciplinarity, Curriculum, Teachers’ Formation


The considerations developed in this article were presented in the National Meeting of the Bachelor’s Degree in Education Courses (UFAM) where they were placed under the subject-matter of interdisciplinary Curricula and Spaces. Our aim was to discuss the interdisciplinary stance of the professor responsible for the formation of future teachers, in the curricular practice, as shaping the background for the formative experiences of the primary school teacher. With the aid of interdisciplinarity one can constantly learrn through one’s own reflective work on the dimensions of actual and contextualized practice, having regard to a conciously elaborated articulation among the activity, sensibility, affectivity and creativity needed for the formative experiences of the very practice and interdisciplinary life.


