Independência E Interdependência: percepção interdisciplinar


  • Christine Syrgiannis


interdisciplinarity, independence, interdependence, perception


The aim of this writing is to provide an opportunity for reflection on our attitude in life and its relation to how we regard the Human Being and the world. The expansion of perception from the interaction with oneself, the others and the environment enables to recognize the vrious possibilities of the Being, which result in new choices for a position in life. Interdisciplinarity, being an attitude in relation to knowledge, encourages expansion of perception in general, while the experience of the author in Personal Development through spoken and written expression in English, constitutes a particular way to exercise these interactions, creating knowledge. Consciousness of our independence / interdependence emerges from the interdisciplinar perception, and research shows that a new position in life isthe result of expanded vision, as a creative revealing process.



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