pedagogical discourse, literacy, university level.Abstract
ABSTRACT: The article is the result of a recent completed research that addresses the literacy levels of university students and the pedagogical discourse of teachers, delivered in everyday curriculum practice in action, of four undergraduate courses at a university located in the North of Brazil. The aim is to describe and analyze the educational discourse of teachers referenced by a scientific language and the consequent difficulties of student learning that are positioned at different levels of literacy. It is a qualitative research which sought to understand the intentions and meanings present, explicitly or not, in the manifestations of the students at the time of the interviews and class periods. It was used semi-structured interviews recorded in audio and recording lessons of the researchers in these courses. Also, the thematic content analysis was used. This resulted in two categories: the pedagogical discourse of teachers and the level of literacy of university teachers. We try to visualize what was literally said by the subjects, linking it to the context of enunciation, to the school history and their lives. The analysis of the survey findings had as support Ivani Catarina Arantes Fazenda concerning the discourse inserted in an interdisciplinary perspective; Maria da Vitória Queiroz, Basil Bernstein e Magda Soares. It became clear that the more the issuer (the teacher) remains in a restricted dialogued posture or in an authoritarian speech classified and framed, determining ‘what’, ‘how’ and the rules for the communicative relationship, the chances of improving literacy levels become more precarious and the learning of students with sociolinguistic and cultural differences in classrooms will be less effective.
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