Interdisciplinary activities. Plant soil system. Natural Sciences.Abstract
the main objective of this work was to involve the students in group work interdisciplinary activities where the teacher´s listening and observation were fundamental at the initial planning of the activities. The students raised hypotheses, planned solutions and experiments that could corroborate with their hypotheses. It was also evaluated the learning acquired by students from the 1st year of a High School class coming from experimental research activities on aspects of the plant soil system which resulted in the development of cognitive skills. Data collection was carried out in three moments: previous questionnaire, experimental research activity (level 1), which addressed material conductivity and experimental investigative activity (level 2) which approached the soil plant system through the development of radish and argula cultivation. The interdisciplinary concepts approached were: solubility, soil composition, chemical species and ions. Also, in order to evaluate the quantitative and qualitative experimental activities associated, categories were created based on the students´ questionnaires and logbooks. Such an attitude provided students with the contextualization of chemical concepts and so, it could be possible to observe the interlacing of the interdisciplinary disciplines in the field of the natural sciences.
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