PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY AND INTERDISCIPLINARITY: explanations about the body in the Freudian work
Psychoanalysis. Psychology. Interdisciplinarity.Abstract
In the hospital it is common for the psychologist who works with psychoanalysis to be called by the health staff to make some appointments about a particular case or situation approaching theoretical concepts. Considering that the training of health professionals is generally based on the biomedical sciences and psychoanalysis inserted in the field of human sciencies, it is common that communication between them become restricted. Therefore, based on understanding that interdisciplinarity is an essential approach for the approximation of the various discourses in the hospital environment and Freud's belief that psychoanalytic theory can be exposed to the laity if transmitted in a simple and accessible way.This article aims to present a cutting of the notion of body within the work of Freud in a way more intelligible to the laity, starting from the concepts of instinct and drive. Firstly, a bibliographic revision on the subject of the body was carried out, in order to approach the psychoanalytic view based on instinct and drive, mainly based on Freud's Three Essays on a Theory of Sexuality. The research argues that bringing health staff closer to some concepts of psychoanalysis is to provide tools to rethink their professional activities and to build interdisciplinary relationships.
Key-words: Psychoanalysis. Psychology. Interdisciplinarity.
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