The awakening of the professional skills of elderly caregivers in palliative care


  • Beatriz Aparecida Ozello Gutierrez
  • Thabata Cruz de Barros



Palliative Care, Elderly, Public Health


This study considers the importance of palliative care for the Brazilian public health and for this reason the intended objectives were: to know the professional skills of caregivers of elderly in hospice philosophy and disclose such health care. To achieve these objectives individual interviews were conducted with professional escorts an elderly Reference Unit on Aging Health. From the analysis of the content contained in these interviews, it was evident the unreadiness of these professionals regarding palliative care.

How to Cite

Gutierrez, B. A. O., & Barros, T. C. de. (2013). The awakening of the professional skills of elderly caregivers in palliative care. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 15(Especial12), 239–258.