Study of positive influence on quality of life patients with Parkinson’s Disease participants Group Lotus


  • Anna Luiza da Silva Mandira



Parkinson, Quality of life, Group Lotus


Parkinson’s disease patients suffering sensorimotor deficits and emotional. The aim of this study is to identify the benefits in quality of life of seniors who participate in various workshops and very appropriate, offered by Group Lotus - Parkinson Association of Santos, trying to overcome the problems resulting from the disease. The approach adopted here is exploratory and descriptive, in a cross-sectional study drawn from the application of a questionnaire, the PDQ-39, in which the elderly were interviewed and their responses interpreted, following the line qualitative research by its affinity with the referential theoretical training of the authors. As a result, it was found that the individuals involved in the study showed an improvement from the perception expressed by them about their current quality of life as the result of their engagement in the activities of Group Lotus, obtaining thus autoparticipation in their care with health, finally, from the considerations made here about the actions undertaken by group Lotus, contribute to the actions of professionals working in the area, as well as guide the participation of patients in their health-seeking process.

How to Cite

Mandira, A. L. da S. (2013). Study of positive influence on quality of life patients with Parkinson’s Disease participants Group Lotus. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 15(4), 185–199.


