The pulsional defusion and destinations of sexuality beyond genitality


  • Leopoldo Salvarezza



The erotic question, The pulsional defusion, The destinations of sexuality


Despite all the evidence accumulated – and scientifically proved – from the fields of biological, psychological and social to the fact that sexuality in all its forms is essential for physical and mental health of individuals, to their gender identity and maintaining self-esteem among other things, the society is still trying to make the old invisible to the call of desire. This fact displays the entire fabric of prejudicial stereotypes that constitute the ageism and that becomes popular belief that “most of the old have no sexual desire or activity and those few who have it are morally perverse or at least, abnormal (old man). Even doctors, who should know better, often take the position that sexuality is not important or necessary in old age” (Palmore, 1990). The result is that many times “the old person folds the conventional ideal that is proposed. He fears the scandal or simply ridiculous. Becomes a slave of gossips. Is imbued with the slogans of decency, chastity imposed by society. The shame of his own desires are denied, refused to be in his own eyes an old lubricious, a shameless old. It defends the sexual urges to the point of repressing into the unconscious” (Beauvoir, 1970). This also works against the possibility of rebuilding couples to widows and widowers in old age. The shame of his own desires are denied, refused to be in his own eyes an old lubricious, a shameless old. It defends the sexual urges to the point of repressing into the unconscious” (Beauvoir, 1970). This also works against the possibility of rebuilding couples to widows and widowers in old age.

Author Biography

Leopoldo Salvarezza

Physician, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, specialist in Psychogerontology. He was professor of the Chair for Senior Citizen and Old Age of the School of Psychology of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina. His publications are: El fantasma en la vejez (1995, Comp., ISBN: 950-595-136-1); Psicogeriatría: teoria y clínica(2002). Teoría y clínica e La vejez. La Vejez: Una mirada gerontológica actual (Comp., 1998, ISBN: 950-123-181-X); El envejecimiento: Psiquis, Poder y Tiempo (2011, Comp. ISBN: 950-23-1176-0.


How to Cite

Salvarezza, L. (2013). The pulsional defusion and destinations of sexuality beyond genitality. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 16(Especial15), 15–26.