Widowhood, loneliness and sexuality in old age: mechanisms of coping and overcoming


  • Verónica Montes de Oca Zavala




Aging, Widowhood, Sexuality


A long widowhood is associated with negative aspects in the life of the people, especially if they are in the stage of Old Age. However depending on the moment they experience this event in the course of life is possible to activate mechanisms to face life and reorder. This article shows from a exploratory perspective, qualitative and analytical, three case studies in the state of Mexico showing the perceived widowhood, which means in old age, their impacts economic and social, and how discourses and counter-discourses that have been generated subjects analyzed to overcome loneliness, isolation, the need for affection and love beyond providing family and children. Sexuality is seen from a critical and is an element highlighted in the narratives of these three cases and drew attention to the traditional way of analyzing Old Age and widowhood. The article consists of a literature review, objectives and methodology, as well as a section of results and final thoughts.


How to Cite

Zavala, V. M. de O. (2013). Widowhood, loneliness and sexuality in old age: mechanisms of coping and overcoming. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 16(Especial15), 105–138. https://doi.org/10.23925/2176-901X.2013v16iEspecial15p105-138