Sexuality in Old Age and AIDS: new challenges for university seniors


  • Marcia Regina Diniz Rufino
  • Alessandra da Rocha Arrais
  • Carmen Jansen de Cárdenas



Sexuality, AIDS, Old Age


This article has the scope to analyze the implications psychosociocultural aspects of sexuality to dealing with AIDS in old age, using the university's maturity as a locus of potentiating break of paradigms and prejudices associated with the theme. For their achievement, there was action research quantitative and qualitative in nature, taking as sample group of 74 elderly people, both men and women, students at the University of Maturity of the Federal University of Tocantins/UFT campus of Palmas (Tocantins), registered in 2010, who voluntarily participated in the survey. From the data analysis, it was found that despite the prejudices concerning sexuality in the elderly, the majority claims to be sexually active, know the means of STD prevention, but few use it. Prevalent in the discourse, the idea of AIDS associated with "risk groups" and indecent behavior.


How to Cite

Rufino, M. R. D., Arrais, A. da R., & Cárdenas, C. J. de. (2013). Sexuality in Old Age and AIDS: new challenges for university seniors. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 16(Especial15), 207–226.