Sensation seeking


  • Corina Soliverez Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
  • Alicia Cristina Zrinovich Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
  • Noelia M. Botas Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata



Sensation seeking, Age Groups.


The Sensation seeking represents the search of stimuli that evoke high levels of activation. It refers to a proactive behavior directed to acquire high levels of external stimulation. The sensation seeking like field of study has been explored almost exclusively in young persons. In the case of older adults, studies are scarce and mainly relate to the experience of certain negative feelings , such as loneliness and death , and not as a search for stimuli that evoke positive states. For this motive this work has the intention of explore the sensation seeking along the vital cycle. There were analyzed three axes that explored the search sensation seeking, the typology of the sought sensations, the modified or not over time. The results show on that the sensation seeking as a behavior tending to acquire high levels of excitation, diminishes with the passage of time, nevertheless the statements put in evidence that the subjects as they age do not look for new sensations but they enjoy those known. These findings add new evidence it brings over of the positive aspects in the oldness and they effect contributions for the development of new devices of intervention.


Author Biographies

Corina Soliverez, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

-  Licenciada en Psicología. Docente de grado y posgrado e Investigadora de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata.  Integrante del  Grupo de Investigación en Evaluación Psicológica. Docente en cursos de promoción de calidad de vida para adultos mayores.


Alicia Cristina Zrinovich, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Licenciada en Psicología. Docente e Investigadora de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata.  Integrante del  Grupo de Investigación en Evaluación Psicológica. Especializando en Gerontología Institucional y Comunitaria por la UNMdP. Docente en cursos de promoción de calidad de vida para adultos mayores.


Noelia M. Botas, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Estudiante avanzada de la Licenciatura en Psicologia, UNMDP. Adscripta alumna a la investigación en el grupo Investigación en Evaluación Psicológica, Facultad de Psicología, UNMdP. Adscripta alumna a la docencia en la Facultad de Psicología, UNMdP.


How to Cite

Soliverez, C., Zrinovich, A. C., & Botas, N. M. (2013). Sensation seeking. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 16(Especial16), 77–96.