Appearance, clothing, and dressing: clues to investigate the old age


  • Mariana de Oliveira
  • Patrícia Yokomizo
  • Andrea Lopes



Appearance, Clothing, Old woman


Clothing can be understood as a way to communicate and constitute a gender identity throughout the aging. This research aimed to characterize the relationship between women and clothing in old age. It was used an ethnographic method in the familiarization with the field and, subsequently, a mixed questionnaire. The participants were elderly women attending the theater workshop of the University for Seniors, from the School of Arts, Sciences, and Humanities from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Clothing was seen as important for the composition of personal appearance in female old age. It was observed changes in the choices of clothing due to aging, especially the body aging. New strategies for dressing in old age were based on the tension between the denial of old age and the age adequacy. Data indicated a strong desire for consumption, especially for garments that meet ergonomic and aesthetic demands that bring comfort. It is emphasized the relevance of appearance, especially clothing, in the understanding of sociocultural aspects of female old age.

Author Biographies

Mariana de Oliveira

Graduação em Gerontologia e colaboradora do grupo de pesquisa, ensino e extensão Envelhecimento, Aparência e Significado (EAPS), ambos da Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades (EACH) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brasil.

Patrícia Yokomizo

Graduação em Têxtil e Moda. Mestre em Gerontologia, fundadora e membro do grupo EAPS, todos da EACH/USP, Brasil.

Andrea Lopes

Antropóloga, docente da Pós-Graduação em Gerontologia e das Graduações em Gerontologia e Têxtil e Moda. Fundadora e coordenadora do grupo EAPS. Todos da EACH/USP, Brasil. Orientadora da pesquisa.

How to Cite

de Oliveira, M., Yokomizo, P., & Lopes, A. (2019). Appearance, clothing, and dressing: clues to investigate the old age. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 22(Especial26), 145–165.