Male old age: construction and meanings of appearance among UATI EACH/USP elderly men, Brazil


  • Leônidas Silva Ramos
  • Patrícia Yokomizo
  • Andrea Lopes



Male aging, Appearance, Meanings


The appearance in old age is still little investigated and approached in the Brazilian gerontological literature, especially regarding the male universe. This study aimed to characterize the construction and meanings of appearance for elderly men. Ethnographic orientation, using observation techniques, photographic record, and indepth interview. Participation of nine men from the University for Seniors (UATI), from the School of Arts, Sciences, and Humanities - University of São Paulo, Brazil. Three categories were identified and linked to the scope of social engagement: 1) masculinity, body, and work; 2) conjugality; and 3) denial of old age and age inadequacy. The main influencers were their wives, the occasions, and the opportunities for social involvement. The construction of appearance and its meanings played a relevant role in understanding the process of aging and the old age of the participants.

Author Biographies

Leônidas Silva Ramos

Graduação em Gerontologia e colaborador do grupo de pesquisa, ensino e extensão Envelhecimento, Aparência e Significado (EAPS), ambos da Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades (EACH) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP).

Patrícia Yokomizo

Graduação em Têxtil e Moda. Mestre em Gerontologia, fundadora e membro do grupo EAPS, todos da EACH/USP, Brasil.

Andrea Lopes

Antropóloga, docente da Pós-Graduação em Gerontologia e das Graduações em Gerontologia e Têxtil e Moda. Fundadora e coordenadora do grupo EAPS. Todos da EACH/USP, Brasil. Orientadora da pesquisa.

How to Cite

Ramos, L. S., Yokomizo, P., & Lopes, A. (2019). Male old age: construction and meanings of appearance among UATI EACH/USP elderly men, Brazil. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 22(Especial26), 167–198.