Whom will be my son wiyh? A concern of parents who are aging and have no one to take care of their sons with Down syndrome, who are also aging
Down Syndrome, Aging, Family.Abstract
This article discusses the foremost concern of the elderly parents of persons with Down Syndrome who are also aging and will not have where or whom be in case of their parents die earlier. The family is the basis of all persons with Down syndrome, and it is at your side every day. However often there is no one else besides the parents, whether relatives or institutions that are able to welcome these people with the same level of attention and care needed. It was adopted a qualitative methodology, transversal and descriptive, with collecting and analyzing data, consisting of interviews with relatives of people with Down Syndrome, after being adopted parameters and criteria of choice, both of the interviewees (family) and the evaluated (people SD) in the pursuit of ideal sampling of data and findings.