Therapeutic workshops in the nursing care for institutionalized elders: experience report
Geriatric Nursing, Homes for the Aged, Health of the Elderly, Quality of Life.Abstract
This study aims to describe experiences of nursing students in the development of therapeutic workshops in care for institutionalized elderly. It is a descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, an experience report, developed by teachers and students of the nursing undergraduate course during the execution of extension activities inherent to the project "Promotion of the Quality of Life of Institutionalized Elderly Persons". The project was developed from April /2017 to March /2018, through therapeutic workshops with the elderly residents of a nursing home, with weekly frequency. Twenty-one therapeutic workshops were conducted through play activities with emphasis on psychic, cognitive and motor stimulation; health education and social integration. The project provided health care for a local need and contributed to the quality of life of the institutionalized elderly, bringing a positive impact and a social transformation for this population.