Evidence of Validity of the Perceived Collective Quality of Life Scale, PCQLS, with Migrant Retirees in Região dos Lagos, RJ, Brazil
Collective Quality of Life, Retirement, Migration.Abstract
This study aimed to adapt and validate the Perceived Collective Quality of Life Scale, EQVCP, with 284 retirees, who migrated to the Lagos Region (RJ) in search of a better lifestyle. The EQVCP emerged 19 items distributed in two factors: Public Policies and Social Relations and Economic and Political Development. The results showed that personal safety was the most positive indicator, followed by the quality of environment; and corruption was the most negative indicator, followed by the political situation.
Keywords: Collective Quality of Life; Retirement; Migration.
How to Cite
Santos, S. C., França, L. H. de F. P., & Pereira, M. M. (2021). Evidence of Validity of the Perceived Collective Quality of Life Scale, PCQLS, with Migrant Retirees in Região dos Lagos, RJ, Brazil. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 24(1), 179–198. https://doi.org/10.23925/2176-901X.2021v24i1p179-198