Visible old age and local knowledge




In 2020, the Municipal Council for the Rights of the Elderly (CMDPI), from Irati (PR), held, in partnership with the Instituto Sedes Sapientiae and PUC-SP, the Course “Complexity of Frailties in Old Ages”, with the participation of of professionals who work in the Municipal Departments, namely: Health, Education and Social Assistance, as well as caregivers of the elderly, researchers and students in the gerontological field. The combination of Social Gerontology and multiprofessional care for the elderly population made it possible for the actors of the municipal public network (professionals), in a certain region, a municipality in the interior of the State of Paraná, to consolidate the praxis with research, starting from the field trip, emphasizing relevant events – the problem situation present in the locus where one lives – giving visibility to: the different themes that involve old age, the different scenarios in which old age is expressed, and the strategies developed. Thus, encouraged to advance in their institutional purposes, mobilized to build a propositional agenda capable of remaking the bonds of sociability and deep tolerance, public agents, now researchers, articulated reflections, having as a source the narratives of the elderly. This effort resulted in the construction of this magazine, whose reflections anchored in "local knowledge" describe interventions that portray initiatives of "people who work for the good of society", through: improvement of education, guarantee of human rights, appreciation of diversity, qualification of social assistance services and reflections on the way of aging and the reading of social policies.

Author Biographies

Denis Cezar Musial , Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste

Assistente Social. Especialista em Gerontologia. Doutorando pelo Programa Interdisciplinar em Desenvolvimento Comunitário-UNICENTRO e Professor Colaborador do Departamento de Serviço Social da UNICENTRO. Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste, Campus Irati. Irati, Paraná, Brasil.


Bern de Oliveira , Instituto Sedes Sapientiae

Fisioterapeuta. Acupunturista. Fisiologista do Exercício. Especialista em Gerontologia (titulada pela SBGG). Doutora em Ciências Sociais/Antropologia e Mestre em Gerontologia com concentração em Gerontologia Social/PUC-SP. Atua com equipe multiprofissional e na Fisioterapia Itinerante. Colaboradora do website Portal do Envelhecimento. Coordenadora do Curso de Gerontologia Social do Instituto Sedes Sapientiae. Docente nos Cursos de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Pública (UNASP); em Psicogerontologia (UNIP); em Fragilidades na Velhice (COGEAE/PUC-SP) e nos Cursos de Educação Permanente da Escola Municipal de Saúde (CGP/SMSdeSP/SUS).




How to Cite

Musial , D. C. ., & Oliveira , B. de. (2022). Visible old age and local knowledge. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 24, 1–6.