Violence against older people: from invisible to visible


  • Terezinha da Silva



Violence, Witchcraft, Justice


It is described in this study, the situation of older people in Mozambique (Africa), mainly manifestations of family and social exclusion experienced by older women. Throughout several life stories, in different contexts, it is shown the abandon face the older people by the family and the community. With few exceptions the older women receive no support, being many times accused of witchcraft and assassinated. In spite of the fact bad treatment also applied to men, it is clear in the study that the major victims are older women. Highlighting violence is showed of various ways and acts in silence and the crimes are not taking into consideration, does the author refer to a study carried out in 2000, year of the great floods in Mozambique in which the older people were affected to the great extent. In this article the author was concerned in contextualizing the causes and the worsening situation of the violence against older people in the HIV/AIDS situation. Although Mozambique has ratified various international and regional instruments and adopted national policies and programmes for protection and defense of Human rights of older people, the current situation is a matter of concern. Finally, launches a call for violence against the elderly are reported and with zero tolerance.

Author Biography

Terezinha da Silva

Coordenadora Nacional da WLSA Moçambique (Mulher e Lei na África Austral).

How to Cite

da Silva, T. (2011). Violence against older people: from invisible to visible. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 14(1), 65–78.


