The elderly historical society and the rights of citizenship accomplishment


  • Suzana da A. Rocha Medeiros
  • Maria das Candeias Carvalho Feijó



Older, Citizenship, Aging, Rights


This article intends to place in history the oldness debate, focusing on the discussion of citizenship, violence and human rights, which are fundamental issues for understanding the reality in Brazil, where social achievements have not properly consolidated in the passing years. Oldness concept comes from an understanding of ancient civilizations until the contemporary social issues. Violence and old age add ethical and cultural values to the processes of social exclusion of elderly and to the achievements of citizenship rights from the late twentieth century until the promulgation of the Elderly Statute, as law and public policy.

Author Biographies

Suzana da A. Rocha Medeiros

Docente-Titular e Pesquisadora do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Gerontologia e Faculdade de Serviço Social/Departamento de Fundamentos do Serviço Social/PUC-SP.

Maria das Candeias Carvalho Feijó

Mestra em Gerontologia, pela PEPG em Gerontologia, PUC-SP. Advogada, pela Universidade São Francisco (SP). Atuante nas áreas: Cível, Trabalhista e Penal. Especialização em Direito Penal e Direito Processual Penal, pela Universidade São Francisco (SP).

How to Cite

Medeiros, S. da A. R., & Carvalho Feijó, M. das C. (2011). The elderly historical society and the rights of citizenship accomplishment. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 14(1), 109–123.


