The logical qualifiers: between chaos and order


  • Ana Teresa Ramos Ferreira Duque Bacelar
  • Luciana Helena Mussi



Old age, Life, Society, Time


This work intends to reflect on the different "old age" in the production and reproduction of existence that gives this old building. For this, we analyze issues as the complexity of the aging process, thinking about the existence of a plurality of ways of living life in the various "ways of living”, studying other societies and their ways to produce and develop life. This includes an understanding of anthropological analysis, study groups and age categories, always reflecting on the current situation of old age, a result of social construction, a historical production, time and their meaning in each society and involvement in the context history.

Author Biographies

Ana Teresa Ramos Ferreira Duque Bacelar

Professora de Educação Física e Mestranda em Gerontologia pela PUC-SP.

Luciana Helena Mussi

Engenheira, Psicóloga, Mestranda em Gerontologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP), Assistente-Editorial e Revisora (gramatical, de formatação e revisora técnica da língua estrangeira) da Revista Kairós Gerontologia; Colaboradora do Banco de Vídeos e Filmografia do Portal do Envelhecimento e do Observatório da Longevidade Humana e Envelhecimento (OLHE).

How to Cite

Bacelar, A. T. R. F. D., & Mussi, L. H. (2012). The logical qualifiers: between chaos and order. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 14(2), 161–174.


