A reflection through cinema about the meaning of what we call home


  • Luciana Helena Mussi
  • Beltrina Côrte




Home, Memory, The House in small cubes, Cinema


This article aims to reflect on the meaning of "emotional" what we call home through the short film "Tsumiki no ie" (translation: The House in small cubes). The film poses questions perceived as a foundation / base for understanding the importance of this “material made of bricks, lime and memory whose final product is called "home”. Our memory is constructed from the memories built by affective ties, joys, desires, addiction, bereavement and many other materials of the heart and soul. The research shows that art done through cinema, with a constructed language with images, can contribute a lot in understanding where an aging housing means much more than a safe place to live. Backed by the conceptual literature is intended to immerse yourself in the charms and enchantments of this art to understand what a "house, our house staff” reminds us that special meaning and it is replaced in old age.

How to Cite

Mussi, L. H., & Côrte, B. (2011). A reflection through cinema about the meaning of what we call home. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 13(Especial8), 231–242. https://doi.org/10.23925/2176-901X.2010v13iEspecial8p231-242