Erotic, sex, and old age in a geriatric institution


  • Margarita Murgieri



Sexuality, Aging, Institutionalization.


Sexuality is part of the quality of life of older persons, and an important factor when it comes to institutionalized persons given that it is a turning point in the course of their lives. Myths about old age and gender, make that society and the own older prejuiciosas ideas. A separate study subject is issues gays, lesbians and trans- in the institutions.

Author Biography

Margarita Murgieri

Médica Geriatra, Doctora en Medicina. Profesora Universitaria en Medicina, Master en Gerontología Social Aplicada, Magíster en Género, Sociedad y Políticas. Miembro de la Comisión Directiva de la SAGG. Council Member COMLATIAGG.

How to Cite

Murgieri, M. (2012). Erotic, sex, and old age in a geriatric institution. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 14(Especial10), 151–161.