What the perspective of the elderly in relation to HIV / AIDS?


  • Claudia Lysia Oliveira de Araújo
  • Ana Cristina Silva Monteiro




Aging, Sexuality, AIDS, Nursing.


The epidemic of human immunodeficiency virus / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV / AIDS) in the elderly in Brazil has emerged a public health problem. When we refer to aging and AIDS we must consider the sexuality of older people. Research aimed to characterize and identify through the viewpoint of senior knowledge and sentiment against the HIV / AIDS. The methodology of the study was descriptive and quantitative descriptiveanalysis. The results of this study have said that older people have knowledge about HIV / AIDS. Only 22.2% use condoms. We conclude that prevention campaigns are not reaching the elderly. For we know that many seniors have active sex life, with more than one partner. Prevention campaigns and actions of the nursing staff should pay special attention to this fact and increase the information, so that older people can understand and adhere to the means of prevention of this disease.

Author Biographies

Claudia Lysia Oliveira de Araújo

Doutoranda, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem na Saúde do Adulto, da Escola de Enfermagem da USP. Professora-Titular, Faculdades Integradas Teresa D’ Ávila Lorena (SP).

Ana Cristina Silva Monteiro

Enfermeira especialista em Saúde Coletiva com ênfase em Estratégia da Saúde e Família pelas Faculdades Integradas Teresa D´Ávila. Atua na Prefeitura de Pindamonhangaba (SP).

How to Cite

Araújo, C. L. O. de, & Monteiro, A. C. S. (2012). What the perspective of the elderly in relation to HIV / AIDS?. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 14(Especial10), 243–256. https://doi.org/10.23925/2176-901X.2011v14iEspecial10p243-256