Overcoming widowhood in old age: the use of coping strategies


  • Thaisa Gapski Pereira Galicioli
  • Ewellyne Suely de Lima Lopes
  • Dóris Firmino Rabelo




Widowhood, Bereavement, Coping


Widowhood is one of the hardest emotional challenges in the life course. This research investigated coping strategies used by a group of 30 widowed elders. The results indicated that widows and widowers tend to employ more frequently actionbased coping and religious practice.

How to Cite

Galicioli, T. G. P., Lopes, E. S. de L., & Rabelo, D. F. (2013). Overcoming widowhood in old age: the use of coping strategies. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 15(Especial12), 225–237. https://doi.org/10.23925/2176-901X.2012v15iEspecial12p225-237