Ageing with emotional, mental and physical health through Informational Quantum Homeostasis


  • Sérgio Roberto Ceccato Filho Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp).



Informational Quantum Physics, Homeostasis, Aging.


This article aims to present a new vision of health concept by eliminating the causes of breakdown of homeostasis in the informational level. Initially, the study was based on observation of treatment of 2.500 cases and currently reach the number of 7.320 people treated. We hope this article contribute to the paradigm shift in search of simplification of treatment processes, and to contribute to the field of Applied Gerontology through the care of the elderly so that they can grow old with emotional health, mental and physics.

Author Biography

Sérgio Roberto Ceccato Filho, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp).

Terapeuta. Professor e pesquisador de Terapias bioquânticas. Formado em Terapia Bioquântica (CIEPH). Pós-Graduando em Teorias e Técnicas para Cuidados Integrativos (Unifesp). Formação em Ativismo Quântico (Centro de Ativismo Quântico Brasil – Dr. Amit Goswami).




How to Cite

Ceccato Filho, S. R. (2015). Ageing with emotional, mental and physical health through Informational Quantum Homeostasis. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 18(Especial18), 115–128.