Euthanasia: would elderly people from socio-economic classes D/E perform it or allow it on their relatives?


  • Diego Fraga Rezende Catholic University of Brasilia (UCB)
  • Gabriela Nunes Oliveira Catholic University of Brasilia (UCB)
  • Lucy Gomes Vianna Catholic University of Brasília (UCB).
  • Izabel Borges dos Santos Catholic University of Brasilia (UCB)


Mots-clés :

Euthanasia, Non institutionalized elderly, End of life.


75 opinions from elderly people of low socioeconomic classes living in a specific community were investigated, about whether they would allow euthanasia to be performed on family members. 77.3% wouldn't perform euthanasia. Regarding permission to a physician, the following responded with negatives: 78.7% against the active form, 68% against the passive, and 62.7% against double effect. The contrary arguments were: religious issues, belief in destiny, hope of healing, don't want to take responsibility and guilty conscience.


Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Diego Fraga Rezende, Catholic University of Brasilia (UCB)

Catholic University of Brasilia (UCB)


Gabriela Nunes Oliveira, Catholic University of Brasilia (UCB)

Gabriela Nunes Oliveira – Catholic University of Brasilia (UCB)


Lucy Gomes Vianna, Catholic University of Brasília (UCB).

MD, Professor of Post-graduate Degree in Gerontology. Catholic University of Brasília (UCB). Professor of Medical Clinic. University of  Brasilia (UNB) (retired).


Izabel Borges dos Santos, Catholic University of Brasilia (UCB)

Izabel Borges dos Santos - Catholic University of Brasilia (UCB)





Comment citer

Rezende, D. F., Oliveira, G. N., Vianna, L. G., & Santos, I. B. dos. (2014). Euthanasia: would elderly people from socio-economic classes D/E perform it or allow it on their relatives?. Revista Kairós-Gerontologia, 17(Especial17), 125–135.