

liberdade, politica, psicanalise, Lacan, escolha sexual, luta de classes


When Lacan told us, somewhat enigmatically at first, that the choice for the symbolic,
for language, was a “forced choice”, since the “option” for psychosis, for the outside of
the symbolic, would be something that is already given to the subject, in addition to
decreeing that madness is not a matter of free choice, he opened the door to other
understandings that extended to other fields of human knowledge, including politics.
The forced choice points to the attitude of not giving in to the desire and the
implication – in the face of crucial moments in life – to assume a compulsory responsibility.   Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"          

Author Biography

João Angelo Fantini, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, PUC/SP

João Angelo Fantini is a Professor in the Federal University of São Carlos/Brazil and Honorary Research Fellow in Birkbeck College. Psychologist and Psychoanalyst, Fantini's research considers the production of subjectivity and symptoms in the psychoanalytic clinic today including social and cultural aspects, especially in recent times, and about the relations between traditional and new media and violence as a result of intolerance against marginalized groups, employing theoretical frameworks derived from Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan. Professor Fantini is the author of Raizes da Intolerância (Edufscar, 2014), Images of the Father in Cinema: Cultural Clinic (Edufscar, 2009), and a number of book chapters and journal articles on Psychoanalysis and contemporary society.


Fantini, J. A. Raízes da intolerância. Edufscar, 2014.

Fantini, J. A. “The ‘racialized’ other: intolerance and political equality in Brazil and the United Kingdom”. Anais do Congresso: Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society na Middlesex University, London, Reino Unido, 2012.



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