The Garbage That Conditions Us
Investigações sobre a Relação com o "Pai" e "Mãe" em um Presente Insustentável
Ecological View, Garbage Society, Patriarchy and Matriarchy, Puer and Senex, Anima MundiAbstract
This article aims to investigate how Western society has been related to the archaic models of “father” and “mother” and how this relationship can contribute to the crisis of planetary sustainability experienced in the present century. For this purpose, a study was carried out on how the paternal and maternal principles have been manifested, based on a bibliographical review of the philosophy of Vilém Flusser, who deals with the “apparatus” and the “garbage society”, of the archetypal psychology of James Hillman, who wrote about the duo puer and senex and about the anima mundi; and Luigi Zoja's analysis of the “father”. Starting from the contribution of these authors, we can see the current Western civilization as a society of “employees” trapped in early childhood, no longer guided by father figures, but programmed by an unscrupulous “apparatus”. stuffed by “material goods”, matter that lost its sacred status of motherhood and was transformed into a soulless slave forbidden to fail, or else into a “garbage can” of humanity. But from the thought of these same authors, it is also possible to envision some ways to develop a more ecological look at the world, from the archaeological sciences, proposed by Vilém Flusser, and the aistheis, defended by James Hillman.
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