Mask and truth in the disenchanted world
Baudelaire's Dandy according to Walter Benjamin and Roland Barthes
Dândi, Dandismo, Moda Masculina, Iluminismo, Roland BarthesAbstract
The present article turns to the consideration of the contradiction that seems to be established between the postulation of difference by the Baudelairean dandy and the demand for equality between men, in the society that emerges from the Great Revolution. Therefore, it focuses on the notes from the Baudelaire archive inserted in Walter Benjamin's Passages and on Roland Barthes's semiology of fashion, at the point where it evokes dandyism, drawing from it arguments to underline the poet's renewing faculty of contestation that he makes for the supposed political beauty of its time. Also supporting this punctual approach are pertinent excerpts from the history of fashion in the Ancien Régime by Daniel Roche.
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