Montaigne's philosophy of self-image, of the social and political body
Imagem de si, Corpo social, PolíticoAbstract
This article intends to analyze De la phisionomie about Montaigne's philosophy of subjectivity, especially the diversity of physiognomies. The essayist uses the essais literary genre in the elaboration of his writings. The essay means the attempt to describe the lived experience in the literature, in order to exercise the epoché. With this, the person follows the rhythm of his nature characterized by the rational capacity to reflect on his own face from the perspective of the expression of the self-portrait. In this sense, two essential questions motivate the development of this discussion, namely, first, what is the philosophy of the self-image like? Second, how is the social and political body structured in Montaignian times? The reflection of these interpellations will make it possible to see the developments about the French tyranny in the Montaignian context to illuminate the gloomy modern scenario marked by scientific denial and the technocratic paradigm.
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