Language Game in Todd Phillips' Joker: a basis for conceptual and moral integration
Language Game in Todd Phillips' Joker: a basis for conceptual and moral integration
Jogo de Linguagem, Integração Conceptual, Frame MoralAbstract
In this paper, we present a philosophical-linguistic analysis of the construction and formation of a sense of morality in Todd Phillips' 2019 film Joker. We use as theories, operational concepts and analytical tools the notions of Language Game (WITTGEINSTEIN, 1979), Conceptual Integration (FAUCONNIER; TURNER 2002) and Moral Frame (LAKOFF, 1995, 1996, 2002). The idea is that in order to build meaning, the interlocutor who interacts with the film needs to integrate concepts and not only that, he also needs to integrate different moralities presented in the movie. According to a methodology based on the evidentiary paradigm (GINZBURG, 1989), using as object the conceptual integrations presented in the film, based on a qualitative research perspective (SILVERMAN, 2000), we believe that the construction of ontological and philosophical meaning in Joker can permeate many moral aspects to the subjective conception of the definition of the antagonist.
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Imagem em movimento
CORINGA. Todd Phillips (roteiro e direção). Warner Bros (produtora e distribuidora). Estados Unidos: 2019. Streaming, DVD, Blu-Ray. (122 min), colorido.
- 2024-07-29 (2)
- 2024-07-28 (1)
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