Cinema, hallucination and oneiric language
the psychoanalysis at speed of the surreal canvases of David Lynch
Cinema, Sonhos, PsicanáliseAbstract
This article presents an attempt to enunciate the familiar interweaving between filmic production, the formation of dreams, and the oneiric language. The approach of these objects as cinema, language and imagery composition of dreams is well punctuated in the cinematic aesthetic states of the director, David Lynch. Thus, as a complementary dialog about the formation of dreams, cinema and the image within our capitalist culture, we also travel through the philosophical tradition of the Critical Theory of Society for which the technological devices on screen function as a discharge of stimulation outside the normal impossible to be absorbed by the nervous system. Similar to the recurring nightmares of war soldiers, such technological stimulation has the same purpose, directing the user to repetition compulsion, addictive and rapid repetition in order to mitigate traumatic shock through image hyperinflation.
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