



Voltaire, iluminismo, razão, progresso


The article presents the contributions of Voltairian thought with the century of lights. It is a century in which authors are immersed in the ideas of advancement, truth, progress, technique, science, autonomy, secularity, reason, freedom. Voltaire is part of this context and his thought has significantly contributed to the development in the field of ideas, science, arts and culture. The core of Voltaire's thought is that everyone should open up to rational knowledge, because the free and enlightened use of reason in face of all issues is the light that should guide our choices. We will see Voltaire's considerations on the reign of Louis XIV as well as the ideals of civilization, progress and development. The article presents Voltaire as one of the great thinkers of the period who contributed to the Enlightenment as it helped humanity to walk towards freedom, to the Lights and enlightenment.

Author Biography

Jociel Batista Carvalho, PUC-SP

Mestre em Filosofia pela PUC-SP


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How to Cite

Carvalho, J. B. (2022). VOLTAIRE’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CENTURY OF LIGHTS . PARALAXE, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.23925/2318-9215.2021v8n1D4