Female Entrepreneurship: How to undertake and reconcile maternal roles
Como empreender e conciliar as funções maternas
Female Entrepreneurship, Motherhood, Entrepreneurial ProfileAbstract
Female entrepreneurship is a topic that has been studied for a long time, seen as an instrument of economic and social development, as well as a change in life. Therefore, the objective of this work is to identify how women who are entrepreneurial mothers manage their time and space in relation to work and family to make their day flexible. For the research, a quantitative research was carried out, using the questionnaire tool in Google Forms, and the entrepreneurs were released by the WhatsApp tool. Thirty-one responses were obtained from women who undertake in the city of São Paulo - SP. The interviewees are aged between 30 and 40 years old, own their own companies for a period of time equivalent to 0 to 3 years and have completed higher education. Most entrepreneurs are mothers and take care of their own children, as they do not have help from third parties, and what led them to open their own business was necessity, making them the family income, although most, 38,7 % are individual Microentrepreneurs, there is a significant percentage, 25.8%, are self-employed.
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