The Historical Legacy of the October Revolution


  • David Mandel



October 1917, Bolsheviks, legacy


The historical legacy of the October Revolution today is deeply ambiguous. But one element stands out clearly: October provides the example of a workers’ party that had the courage and resourcefulness to provide Russia`s workers with the leadership that they needed and wanted in order to save from defeat the revolution that had begun in February 1917. The October Revolution was not a chiliastic leap into utopia, as it has often been portrayed. It was, in fact, a difficult decision, reached after much hesitation and weighing of the alternatives. Those who made the October Revolution did so in full awareness of the fearful odds they faced. But they knew also that not to act would mean certain defeat and renewed enslavement of the people to the privileged classes. Today, when humanity more than ever is confronted withi the stark choice of “socialism or barbarism,” progressive forces can look for inspiration in their strategic thinking to the courage and determination of the revolutionaries of October 1917.


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Author Biography

David Mandel

Professor do Departamento de Ciências Políticas da Université du Québec à Montréal; militante socialista e sindical; codiretor de um projeto de formação sindical na Rússia. Publicará, neste ano, livro sobre os sovietes de Petrogrado, as ser lançado, em francês e inglês: Les soviets de Petrograd: au coeur de la Révolution russe, Paris, Syllepse; e The Petrograd Workers in the Russian Revolution, Chicago,Haymarket Press.




How to Cite

Mandel, D. (2017). The Historical Legacy of the October Revolution. Ponto-E-Vírgula, (21), 68–79.