Solicitação de atualização de perfil
Dear Readers and Contributors,
REVER: Journal of Religion Studies kindly requests that all users update their profiles on our journal’s platform. Please verify that your full name is accurately listed in your account details.
The “Preferred Name (Social Name)” field MUST NOT be used to enter a first name, as it restricts our access to your complete institutional records. This field is reserved exclusively for transgender individuals who wish to be addressed by their chosen social name. If this does not apply to you, we kindly ask that you leave the field blank to ensure clarity in our records.
Furthermore, if you are interested in serving as a Peer Reviewer for REVER, please enable this option in your profile and update the “Areas of Expertise” section to reflect your scholarly competencies.
We sincerely appreciate your cooperation in maintaining the integrity of our database and thank you for your ongoing support of REVER.
Best regards,
The Editorial Team