ESG principles, challenges and opportunities
Sustainability, ESG, Circular Economy, Climate ChangesAbstract
No doubt our civilization is living now at critical times and this is something that remind us of the John F. Keenedy historical campain speeches in the earliest 60s when very opptimistically he used to say that In the Chinese language, the word "crisis" (weiji) is composed of two characters, one representing danger (wei) and the other, opportunit y(ji), although actually the second part (ji) means more something that we are calling now Tipping Point. As we could follow on the daily news today we are now going through a Cathastrofic Convergence of heavy impacts processes related to delicate sanitary, climate and geopolitical risks. All these representing heavy challlenges, at local and global levels, for which we are not well prepared, and may take great efforts to somehow jointly learn to overcome, particularly at these deglobalization times, and where we observe an increasing concentration of wealth and well-being and particularly a lack of care concerning social and enviromental issues. So on this paper we focus on the fact that some proposals that have being going alone globally speaking for some time like the UNSDG or the regional EU Green Deal and more particular the more recent Enviromental Social Governance ESG, that this paper is dealing, may hopefully represent an appropiate way to move ahead at this Tipping Point overcoming main challenges. The paper basically consists in three parts: Principles, Challenges and Opportunities.
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