Might Digital Revolution be a threat for Employability?





Digital Revolution, Employability, Artificial Intelligence, Information and Communication Technologies


The present study aimed to discuss the 21st Century digital revolution and its impact on the employability of individuals, and how they can be prepared to reinvent themselves to face the new demands of the labor market. Recent developments in computing, robotics and artificial intelligence have developed even more powerful systems, showing to be capable of performing complex tasks, previously performed only by humans. In this sense, when analyzing societies connected by a bunch of technological resources integrated into a networked system leads us to think about the employment scenario in near future, considering the importance of preparing ourselves to guarantee our existence in a highly challenging and, yet unknown context. The likely outcomes of this revolutionary transformation depend on how the gains are distributed as it is already perceived a deterioration of inequalities in the labour market. What is expected is that impacts generated by the digital revolution on employability might be more socially fair and economically prosperous for all parts involved.


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