The importance of Soft Skills in the selection of project teams in a company in the agile transformation stage




Project Management, Soft Skills, Hard skills, Agile Transformation, Halo effect


This article aims to understand the relevance of soft skills in the selection of teams for a project in a company undergoing agile transformation. The method adopted was based on an analysis of the literature to understand the researched phenomenon, document analysis, and semi-structured interviews with team members and the company's leadership on a pilot project. The content rose allowed us to evaluate the company's decisions at the time of the constitution of the team that would act in the project pilot for the agile transformation. As a result of this study, it was noted that the company did not take soft skills into account when selecting the team and the project manager to adapt it to agile transformation. There was also a strong presence of a cognitive bias effect called the Halo Effect, which influenced the hiring of project managers for the company studied with the most appropriate profile for the cascade approach.

Author Biography

Luciano Ferreira da Silva, Universidade Nove de Julho

Graduado em Administração de Empresas, Especialista em Psicologia Organizacional, Especialista em Administração de Recursos Humanos; Mestre em Administração, Comunicação e Educação na Universidade São Marcos; Doutorado em Administração em andamento na PUCSP.


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