Impacts of using herbicides utilized in wheat culture on the environment and human health

a systematic review of the literature


  • Alice Munz Fernandes Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Daniela Garcez Wives Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Mateus Zanella Universdade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Leonardo Bohn Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Herbicides, Environment, Health, Wheat


Wheat is a winter crop that drives the development of agribusiness, being characterized as the raw material responsible for approximately half of the world's diet. In this sense, pre-harvest desiccation becomes necessary, given the incidence of economic and climatic aspects, especially considering the implementation of the subsequent culture. However, for such a process, the use of herbicides that anticipate the maturation of the grain can cause the accumulation of chemical residues in the product that will be ingested. Thus, the research carried out aimed to analyze how the scientific literature jointly addresses the issue of the use of herbicides to desiccate wheat in line with the risks related to this practice. To this end, a systematic review of the scientific literature available in the PubMed database was carried out between 2016 and 2022. The search resulted in a final portfolio consisting of 12 scientific articles. The results indicated that the herbicides mentioned as harmful to the environment due to soil and water contamination were: glyphosate, 2,4-D, sufflufenacil, ametrine and atrazine, and; those harmful to human health due to the accumulation of residues in the grain corresponded to ammonium glyphosinate, clopyralid and bixlozone. It was also found that glyphosate is related to intestinal problems (dysbiosis) and butachlor causes hepatotoxic effects. In this way, it became evident that the existence of balance in the wheat crop is imminent in order to make it more profitable for the rural producer without harming environmental and human health. Therefore, it is suggested the establishment of Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for all herbicides used in Brazil, as well as the development and implementation of public health policies. Thus, it is inferred the relevance of maximizing inspection regarding compliance with legislation concerning the use of pesticides, in parallel with the intensification of awareness campaigns and guidance to rural producers.


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