Use of environmental indices as indicators of quality of urban afforestation at PUC- Campinas Campus 1
Urban afforestation, Quality of Life, BiodiversityAbstract
Urban afforestation brings numerous benefits to cities, it is important that afforestation is planned appropriately, to mitigate the negative effects of human action. However, in places that are already wooded, it is necessary to recognize the vegetation present and look for adaptation alternatives. The objective of this work was to understand the main characteristics of the vegetation already present in urban areas at Campus I of PUC-Campinas and to point out ways to integrate elements that improve the quality of afforestation. The area in question is of extreme environmental interest and is home to fragmented forest remnants with few connections to other environmental areas. The study was based on data provided by the university. The afforestation was classified according to the structure of the trees based on the arrangement and density of the vegetation, the data collected were used to analyze the diversity of the afforestation. The analyses indicated the good ecological quality of the vegetation, but there is a situation of parity between exotic and native species, which contributes to the increase in the isolation of forest remnants within the field.
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