Local platform as a means of socioeconomic development and generation of well-being
Digital platform, artificial intelligence, ecosystems, socioeconomic development, regional developmentAbstract
The Digital Age has been established in the 21st century, generating profound changes in society and has its multidisciplinarity especially perceived with Artificial Intelligence. The concentration of economic power and income are important concerns. Predictions about the future of work range from alarming scenarios to optimistic scenarios. A complex scenario like this requires sophisticated approaches and strong coordination between the parties involved. The true legacy depends on how society will face the challenges and seek opportunities in the new era. Collective action is essential to promote people's well-being. The objective of this article is to propose the adoption of an ecosystem supported by a digital platform to promote socioeconomic development, integrating the different local agents to strengthen the community and expand opportunities for representatives of different social strata. This requires cooperation between public authorities, companies, and the community to create strategy, structure, and actions that meet local needs. The research was based on a literature review and application of concepts found in the literature on well-being, economic development, organizational models, networks, digital platforms and smart cities.
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