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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission must be original and unpublished and cannot be under consideration for publication by another journal.

    Files for submission must be in Microsoft Word format, 1.5 cm line spacing, font Times New Roman size 12, bold instead of underlining (except in URL addresses), figures and tables must be inserted in the text and not at the end of the document in the form of attachments. Tables and graphs must also be sent in Excel.
  • The authorship identification of the article was removed from the file and from the Properties option in Word, ensuring confidentiality for proper Blind Peer Review.
  • References must be presented in alphabetical order, at the end of the text, in accordance with the current rules of the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT). Only references mentioned in the article should be included.
  • URLs for references were informed when available.

Author Guidelines

1. The contribution must be original and unpublished and cannot be in the process of evaluation nor considered to publication by any other journal.

2. Authors who have published an article will only be able to submit a new article after 12 months from the last published submission.

3. The originals must not contain data about the authors. Instead, on a separate page, you must include: title of the original, full names of the authors, education and highest academic degree achieved, institutional affiliation, phone number,  email address and ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) information. If you do not have this ID, you must register at: Each author's information should not exceed two lines.

4. The original submission should preferably have 20 pages, not exceeding 25 pages, including footnotes, figures, tables, appendixes and references.

5. The original can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish or English.

6. The original submission must be in Microsoft Word with 1.5 cm line spacing, page A4. Right, left, top and bottom margins must have 3 cm. All the pages must include page number and the font must be Times New Roman, size 12 with text justification. References must be aligned to the left with 1cm line spacing.

The article must be accompanied by a title, abstract (900 characters including spaces), keywords (from 3 to 5) and JEL. If the original is written in Portuguese or Spanish, it is mandatory to include the English version of the abstract. In case the original is written in English, then it is mandatory to include the Portuguese version of the abstract. Keywords must be separated by a period. References must comply with the rules of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). Titles and subtitles (should not exceed 12 words or 75 characters including spaces) and should not be underlined.

In addition to an introduction and its development, the original must include a Conclusion or Final Considerations section.

Reviews, communications, notes and comments should not exceed 5 to 10 pages.


Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the intended purposes of this publication and will not be disclosed for other purposes or to third parties.