Estética da espontaneidade no cinema brasileiro contemporâneo


  • Walmeri Ribeiro


actor co-creator, aesthetic of spontaneity, movie


We have been following in the brazilian production cinematographic a process by which the actor starts working as a co-creator of cinematographic pieces in Brazil, and this ruptures the idea of character interpretation, as we start dealing with the human experience’s flow, prioritizing the performance act. Having a creation system ruled by emergency (Johnson:2007) as a basis, the creation and production processes of these pieces consider the importance of the actor’s singularity and of what Renato Cohen (2007) called “Extrojection”, the act by which actors/performers contribute with the piece by expressing their individuality, with “things” that belong only to themselves. Thus, using an analysis of the established relations between cinema and performance within the actor’s work as a co-creator, we suggest, with this article, the reflection on an emergent aesthetics of this practice, which we here call aesthetics of spontaneity (Ribeiro:2010).

Author Biography

Walmeri Ribeiro

Doutora - Programa de Semiótica - (PUC-SP). Docente da UFC ( Universidade Federal do Ceará).


