The Trinitarian revelation in the mission of Jesus Christ


  • Jacson Alexssandro Guerra Instituto de Filosofia e Teologia de Goiás



Father, son, Holy Spirit, Trinity, Jesus


Through the story of Jesus Christ we have access in a clear way to the revelation of the Holy Trinity. Trinity being the communion of persons living in love with one another. Inviting the human being to live in communion in love. Thus, to go through the story of Jesus of Nazareth is to go through the revelation of the mutual love between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and, at the same time, it is to go through the story of God's love for humanity, a love that was able to assume for itself all reality. Coming across the story of Jesus, in conscious freedom, allows us to affirm that he truly lived humanity and revealed closeness, intimacy with God to humanity. Thus, we will see from the incarnation to the resurrection the main points in the mission of Jesus Christ the presence of the Holy Trinity.

Author Biography

Jacson Alexssandro Guerra, Instituto de Filosofia e Teologia de Goiás

Graduated in Philosophy; Bachelor in Theology; specialized in Management and Teaching in Higher Education and concluded the course at the Instituto de Filosofia e Teologia de Goiás-IFITEG.


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How to Cite

Guerra, J. A. (2022). The Trinitarian revelation in the mission of Jesus Christ. Último Andar, 25(40), e48304.