The Kingdom: the story of Edir Macedo and a radiography of the Universal Church




Religion, Universal Church, Edir Macedo, Record Network, Policy.


From a simple life that lived in the remote city of Rio das Flores in Rio de Janeiro, Edir Macedo throughout his life managed to have more than 10,000 temples in Brazil and in almost one hundred countries, making the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (IURD ) in a neo-pentecostal giant. He even built a replica of the Temple of Solomon in São Paulo, Macedo manages his church showing authority and respect for his followers and by various political and business authorities. The anointing of current President Jair Bolsonaro, personally celebrated by Macedo, demonstrates a power project that began more than forty years ago at Universal's first headquarters in Rio de Janeiro. Gilberto Nascimento tells the story of IURD, its founder and its expansion to the events that took place at the end of 2019.


NASCIMENTO, Gilberto. O Reino: a história de Edir Macedo e uma radiografia da Igreja Universal. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2019.



How to Cite

Brandão, R. R. (2020). The Kingdom: the story of Edir Macedo and a radiography of the Universal Church. Último Andar, 23(36).