God's punishment or harmony of nature




Pandemic, The problem of evil, Theodicea, Enlightenment


The new coronavirus, an evil that has afflicted, among other ills, humanity today, triggers a need to return to the classic problem of evil, which seeks to understand its coexistence with God. Thus, the main purpose of this article is to analyze the existence of Covid-19 and the relationship, God's place with this situation. To this end, we have three intermediate objectives: (1) to return to the problem of theodicea, (2) to investigate its concept of harmony, also present in several readings of reality and, from this principle, (3) to try to understand God's place before the harmony of nature, alongside its ruptures, as the current suffering. The answer we have is not an explanation of the reality of evil, such as a theodicea, but the tradition of lament, in which the Trinity God suffers with humanity.

Author Biography

Henrique Mata de Vasconcelos, Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia

PhD student and Master in Systematic Theology, as a CAPES scholarship at the Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy and Theology. Bachelor of Theology from the Izabela Hendrix Metodist University Center and post-graduate degree in Prophesyand Apocalyptic from the Metodist University of São Paulo. Graduating in Philosophy from the Federal University of Minas Gerais.


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How to Cite

Vasconcelos, H. M. de . (2021). COVID-19: God’s punishment or harmony of nature. Último Andar, 24(38), 86–112.