An analysis of the Bantu Umbanda

Reinado and Candomblé de Angola triad at the Centro Espírita São Sebastião - CESS




Umbanda, Reign, Candomblé of Angola, Centro Espírita São Sebastião


This article aims to analyze three Afro-Brazilian religions – Umbanda, Reign and Candomblé of Angola – San Sebastian Spiritist Center (CESS). Assuming that the geographic space used by the three manifestations is the same, the study will allow us to understand how They survive in the same sacred place, ensuring and demarcating their specific identities. Identities already legitimized by their historicity and their cultural traditions. Therefore, it was necessary to collect data through visitation and observation, in addtion to the support of theoretical researchers such as: Vagner Gonçalves da Silva, Renato Ortiz, Aurino Góis among others. In the ende, it will be possible to understand how the legitimized identity is necessary to ensure the rites, the liturgy and the faith of its followers.

Author Biography

Zuleica do Carmo Garcia de Barcelos, Pontifícia Universidade Católica e Minas Gerais

Master student in Science of Religion


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How to Cite

Barcelos, Z. do C. G. de. (2022). An analysis of the Bantu Umbanda: Reinado and Candomblé de Angola triad at the Centro Espírita São Sebastião - CESS. Último Andar, 25(40), e57518.