The Multiple Faces of Saint Agatha


  • Orlando Caldeira de Farias Júnior Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
  • Ellen Cristina dos Santos Oliveira



Saint, martyrdom, image, story, landscape


In this article, we will make use of two subareas of the Science of Religion: Religious History and Geography of Religion, to analyze the profuse faces of Saint Agatha through her images, as well as through her multiple devotions. We intend to bring to the debate a historical-geographical look through the devotion to the saint, verifying the historicity and geographic space of the period in which she lived, how she is worshipped nowadays and bringing a new vision of her martyrdom. Having the problematization of how and why she is seen in so many ways, we will seek in these subdisciplines the hypotheses, justifying the production of the text by the little about Saint Agatha present in the state of the art.


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How to Cite

Farias Júnior, O. C. de ., & Cristina dos Santos Oliveira, E. (2023). The Multiple Faces of Saint Agatha. Último Andar, 26(41), e57919.