Suicídio indígena

autodestruição, autoafirmação ou busca da perfeição?


  • Ernilda Nascimento


Suicídio, indígena, heteroagressividade, autoagressividade, revitalização, cultura e religiosidade


Self-destruction, be it individual or collective, defies our understanding of the survival in trying to understand the frequent occurrences of such facts among Brazilian native populations, we should ask not only about their conscious or conscious intentionality, but also about specific cultural factors. What is the meaning of suicide cases reported in several of our Indian Nations? Are they self-destructive acts? Or, on the contrary, is it possible that they are a manifestation of the vitality of a people, the means of resistance to domination, apt to bring about ethnic and cultural revitalization? That is the theme of this paper.

Author Biography

Ernilda Nascimento

Mestra em Ciências da Religião 


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How to Cite

Nascimento, E. (1998). Suicídio indígena: autodestruição, autoafirmação ou busca da perfeição?. Último Andar, 1(1), 84–98. Retrieved from


